Does my child have a Medical Malpractice case?

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Understanding medical negligence in Pediatric Care

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How do Birth Injuries happen?

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Catastrophic Injuries for Children

New Jersey Catastrophic Child Injury Attorneys The kinds of accidents that may cause catastrophic childhood injuries can happen in the midst of daily life. One incident, causing severe injury for a child, can turn into lifelong physical and emotional challenges. It is a horrifying scene and the worst nightmare for a parent witnessing their child’s […]

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When Your Child’s Car Accident Injuries are Inadequately Diagnosed or Treated in New Jersey

Getting into a car accident is traumatic. Even if no one is hurt, just the sound of the metal-on-metal impact is jarring. However, when a vehicle driver or passenger is injured, the experience can scar those involved for a long time, if not a lifetime. This trauma is especially true when a child suffers injuries […]

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Childhood Burn Injuries

Burns Among Children may be Common, but Negligence while Treating them Should Not. Childhood injuries commonly occur around the house, at school, or during recreation. For instance, children under 18 years of age often break bones, suffer lacerations, get concussions, and bear bruises from several sources. They unfortunately choke, suffocate, and drown. Additionally, one of […]

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Halloween Accidents, Injuries, and Malpractice for Children in New Jersey

If you ask a child which of the holidays are their favorites, you will likely find Halloween is one of the top choices. Getting to dress up as their favorite hero or villain, fantasy figure, or real-life celebrity, children love to trick or treat with friends and family. The excitement causes little feet to run […]

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Get your specific questions answered by completing our contact form

  • How do I know if my child has a pediatric malpractice case?

    If your child suffered an injury, complications, or a medical condition resulting from medical negligence, you may have grounds for a pediatric malpractice or birth injury lawsuit. Learn more.

  • How can I get help to pay for my child's medical bills?

    If a doctor, nurse, hospital, or other healthcare provider failed to provide adequate care for your child and they suffered harm, you can pursue compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and more. Find out about damages.

  • How long do I have to file a pediatric malpractice claim?

    The statute of limitations to file a medical malpractice lawsuit varies from state to state. The time limits may begin when your child's condition is identified, not necessarily when it occurred. Contact us for information that applies to your child's specific case.

  • Get in touch.

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