Does my child have a Medical Malpractice case?

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Understanding medical negligence in Pediatric Care

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How do Birth Injuries happen?

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Learn more about Cerebral Palsy

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Rh Incompatibility and Associated Injuries during Pregnancy and Following Birth

Rh incompatibility refers to a serious situation in which a pregnant woman and her fetus have different Rhesus (Rh) factors. An Rh factor indicates whether you have a specific protein on the surface of your red blood cells. When you have the protein, you are Rh-positive. Without the protein, you are Rh-negative. Whether you have […]

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U.S. Maternal Deaths Continue to Climb: Is there Any Turning Back?

Latest Data Shows Troublesome Trend in Maternal Mortality, as U.S. Rates Reach Highest in Nearly 60 Years According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the maternal mortality rate rose 40% higher in 2021 than the previous year. Mining from the National Vital Statistics System data, the CDC reports that 1,205 women died due to […]

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Deep Dive into Down Syndrome and Related Legal Claims

Down Syndrome Attorneys in New Jersey Down syndrome is a condition that has been around for centuries but only became an official diagnosis in the late 19th Century by the condition’s namesake, John Landon Down. Discovering your baby has Down syndrome may be traumatic, especially when you have no warning of the possibility. You may want […]

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What if I was Exposed to Chemicals while Pregnant?

Chemicals and Toxic Substances can cause Serious Harm during Pregnancy Living in an industrial society, we enjoy convenience and innovation in products that help us cook, clean, and groom. However, the unfortunate cost of comfort and convenience for some products is chemical exposure. Daily, we encounter chemicals, some safe and some not. Breathing, eating, drinking, […]

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Velamentous Cord Insertion and Related Malpractice Cases

A beautiful souvenir from birth is the belly button. It is a reminder that the mother-child connection is vital to life when the fetus receives nourishment through the umbilical cord. Optimally, the umbilical cord runs from the placenta’s center to the fetus’s belly, bringing nutrients to the fetus while sending waste out. However, problems arise […]

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The Connection between Sexually-Transmitted Diseases in Pregnancy and Birth Injuries

Mothers and Babies may Suffer Complications from Undiagnosed or Untreated STDs in Pregnancy Not all STDs are alike. Sometimes referred to as sexually transmitted infections (STIs), STDs are diseases that can pass from the mother to the fetus and can harm both a mother and child if left undiagnosed and untreated. According to findings from […]

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Stillbirths and Medical Malpractice: A Complex Issue

In some cases, medical negligence can lead to or fail to prevent stillbirth. The baby shower is over, and all the gifts, bows, ribbons, and wrapping paper long brushed aside, waiting for the new arrival, but the new arrival never comes. A stillborn child is a loss like no other, the hope of a new […]

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Geriatric Pregnancy: Can You Sue if Doctors Mishandle Pregnancy after 35?

New Jersey Attorneys Providing Legal Counsel for Mothers Injured by Negligence with Older Age Pregnancy and Childbirth Pregnancy over the age of 35 is a medical red flag. Doctors regard a “geriatric pregnancy” when a pregnant woman is over 35 and has a higher risk for pregnancy problems. Even though more women than ever have […]

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Thyroid Disorders & Problems during Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of substantial hormone fluctuations, which are necessary to prepare for and successfully grow a baby to term. With huge dips and dives in hormone production, however, some hormone-regulated organs may be affected. Chief among those influences on hormone production is the thyroid. This gland, located at the base of the neck […]

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Risks & Complications from Delayed Prenatal Testing

Experienced Lawyers for Mothers and Children Injured by Late Prenatal Screening in New Jersey A pregnancy is like a long-term prenatal engagement with your doctor’s office. The number of office visits for routine prenatal checks simply increases as the pregnancy progresses, averaging one per month up to 26 weeks, every three weeks up to 32 […]

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Get your specific questions answered by completing our contact form

  • How do I know if my child has a pediatric malpractice case?

    If your child suffered an injury, complications, or a medical condition resulting from medical negligence, you may have grounds for a pediatric malpractice or birth injury lawsuit. Learn more.

  • How can I get help to pay for my child's medical bills?

    If a doctor, nurse, hospital, or other healthcare provider failed to provide adequate care for your child and they suffered harm, you can pursue compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and more. Find out about damages.

  • How long do I have to file a pediatric malpractice claim?

    The statute of limitations to file a medical malpractice lawsuit varies from state to state. The time limits may begin when your child's condition is identified, not necessarily when it occurred. Contact us for information that applies to your child's specific case.

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